A Service provider and Solutions Integrator
Dedicated solutions
Technical Service Offering
A Service provider and Solutions Integrator Know-how
The mission statement of ProceDo consists of providing and implementing, together with its customers, high added value solutions for Document capture, document archiving and document exchange.
For this purpose, it developed a dual competence as editor and integrator of solutions and acquired specialist knowledge and specialized competence in some vertical market segments such as Insurance, Banking, Administration, Social security, Industry and Telecom.
Today, the company has developed activities in Belgium and Luxembourg and in that process has learned to manage sustainable growth, while preserving stability in the team and maintaining a strong financial position.
ProceDo's customers benefit from a wide range of technologies that allowes them to make optimal use of the wealth of information that is available in their organizations while maintaining confidentiality and security. With more than 50 customers, 100 projects carried out and 10.000 users of its technologies, ProceDo is today a significant participant on the Belgian Document Management Market.
Dedicated solutions
The know-how of ProceDo enables the user to develop dedicated solutions for every level of the organization.
The main dedicated solutions proposed by ProceDo are the following:
Electronic Folders Management
Approval process of documents
Workflow management
Import and automatic indexing of office automation documents
Search by structured fields and full text
OCR on text area
Structured indexing and full text
Archiving of legal documents
Capture and Archiving of Paper Documents in large volumes
Scanner selection
Automatic indexing with OCR/ICR and/or bar codes
Intelligent capture with bar codes
Scanning and automatic indexing by bar codes recognition
Archiving of the outputs documents: invoicing, accounting books, listings, bank statements,….
Conversion into a single format: PDF
Application Design
Response to legal requirements of archiving
Technical Service Offering
Study of feasibility and opportunity
Study of organization and information flows
Study of holdings
Model elaboration
Development of specifications
Project roll-out
Detailed Analysis:
Parameter setting and Development
Integration with what exists
Migration of what exists
Hardware and software installations
Project management
Control committee
Group of experts
Quality assurance
Administrator and users training
Setup Assistance
Maintenance on-site
Project Management methodology:
Electronic Document Management projects require a methodology for design and implementation of the solution, taking into account that:
Such solutions can affect the whole company
Basic mechanisms of administrative tasks will be modified
They have long term implications
A standard procedure was developed by ProceDo to carry out such projects.
The most important stages are as follows:
Finitialisation of the project which results in 5 deliverables:
The Quality Assurance Plan
The General Specifications Folder
The General Architecture Folder
The Validation Tests Folder
Implementing the solution according to preset specifications
The delivery process runs in two stages:
Checking on the correct running of the system based on the test set defined at the start of the project
Regular service test, which aims at checking during an agreed period of time, the efficiency of the system and its reliability under full load conditions