Customer Base
Projects description
Press Release
ProceDo is focusing its offering on "open" dedicated solutions for specific markets: Bank/Finance, Insurance, Telecoms, Public Sector and Industry.
The added value provided by ProceDo consists of a document capture and management solution for very high volumes of documents which can be integrated with any type of other professional application.
The Document become the electronic capital of the company accessible by any front and/or back-office application.
The return of investment that replaces traditional technology can easily be calculated.
ProceDo/s dedicated applications for vertical markets can be implemented with only 20% of customized development and 80% of standard software.
It reduces significantly the time of implementation and makes the integration of the application in the existing IT infrastructure of the customer much easier.
ProceDo solutions are mission-critical for their customers and create long term relations in terms of maintenance and updates.
Customer Base
Over the years ProceDo has achieved to capture, satisfy and develop a prestigious customer base in Belgium and Luxembourg such as:
Banking & Insurance Sector
Telecommunication - Services Utilities & Industry
Public administration
Projects description
Main dedicated solutions developed by ProceDo are the following:
Decentralized scanning : On the point of sales, employees of an agency run business applications offering their customer inssurance and financial services.
ProceDo automates business processes by managing the capture in those agencies and prpcesses centraly (main offices)the transformation and the exchange of business critical information arizing in paper, fax and electronic formats.
ProceDo also extends business functionality with a full suite of best-practices workflows and processes for the document management automation.
These solutions accelerate business processes by collecting a lot of documents and forms per year, automatically transforming them into accurate, retrievable information and delivering it all into the document management system.
All the projects undertaken represent more than 1.500 agencies connected to 3 differents centrals systems treating over 20.000.000 documents per year.
Mobile scanning : A cleaning company uses "Shoot & Prove" to track the cleanup items in the field.
The cleaning teams take certified pictures of their jobs, street and graffiti before and after cleaning.
The cleaning report is filled out by the team, signed by the customer and scanned at the same time.
All the information, pictures + signed document are immediatly integrated into the ERP application for intervention reporting.
Scanned Documents and pictures are time stamped, localized and certified that allows for precise control.
Useful information (duration, type of work performed...) can be added on an interactive form.
Mailroom Automation : ProceDo developes applications that transform the traditional high-volume centralized paper mail opening
and routing process, to enable the automatic capture and routing of images and information in a digital format directly to
professional applications like : Document Management system, worflow, ERP, etc ...
Processes that took days or weeks of iterative corrective actions can be resolved in minutes.
Applications for large oragnization installed by ProceDo scan more than 300.000 pages per day and provide in the same time acces to 6.500 users.
Press Release
Dutch IT-Channel - december 2015
Belfius Insurance voert strakke regie over decentraal scanprocess dankzij
ProceDo en Kodak Alaris
Computable - 14 december 2015
Een nieuw concept
Blijft het papierloze kantoor vaak een mooie droom, bij Belfius Insurance is dit realiteit dankzij een scanoplossing van ProceDo, specialist op het gebied van document management oplossingen, in combinatie met netwerkscanners van Kodak Alaris.
Case Study KODAK Alaris - janvier 2016
La compagnie d"assurance Belfius équipe ses agences d"une solution de numérisation décentralisée grâce à
ProceDo et Kodak Alaris